UNDP’s Ready Set Great Initiative presents

A Youth Summit on Crime & Violence

Young people are doing Great things to develop their country, and UNDP is on an annual quest to unearth their stories, perspectives and lessons in sustainable development through our annual Ready Set Great initiative. In 2020, Ready Set Great focused on youth response and action on COVID-19. This year, 11 youth groups have joined forces to stage a two-day Youth Summit on Crime and Violence, focusing on crime prevention and mitigation. Scheduled for World Peace Day September 21 and September 22, the Summit will showcase innovative solutions being implemented by youth groups in pursuit of citizen safety and security, and discuss how youth participation in crime prevention can be strengthened. The grand finale of the two-day Summit is UNDP’s Development Challenge, a group competition for tertiary students. The Youth Summit brings together youth groups implementing and innovating citizen safety and security projects in crime hotspots under UNDP’s Amplifying Youth Voice and Action project, and is being convened under the auspices of UNDP’s annual Ready Set Great initiative, an annual youth in development showcase for young people doing great things to advance development in their country. REGISTER NOW

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The Youth Summit on Crime and Violence makes a contribution to fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goal number 16 – Peace. Justice and Strong Institutions and other SDGs such as number 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth,; SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities; SDG 5 – Quality Education; and SDG 1 – No Poverty

Participating Youth Groups

“I-SEEED (I-Social, Educational, Entrepreneurial, Environmental Development)
Youth Inspiring Positive Change Ja. Ltd | YIPCJA (Positive ORG)
Bully Proof Kids International (BPKI)
National Police Youth Club Council Of Jamaica (NPYCCJ)
Total Health Services
Norwood Community Development Benevolent Society (NCDCBS)
The Every Mikkle Foundation (The Every Mikkle Global Youth Initiative Foundation)
Called to Lead Jamaica
Youth For Development Network & Jahmeyka Project
Young Women/Men of Purpose (YWOP/YMOP)
Youths For Excellence Limited

Browse Detailed Agenda


Youth groups showcase their innovative solutions in citizen safety and security; Performances in music and spoken word; Vox Pops, Polls & Interactive Talks


UNDP’s Development Challenge 2021* ; Performances in music and spoken word, including world premiere of winners of the Ready Set Express YuhSelf Competition; Vox Pops, Polls & Interactive Talks

Development Challenge. Click for Details

*UNDP’s Development Challenge is an annual team competition for tertiary students. This year, groups will brainstorm and pitch an initiative to address citizen safety and security. Members of the winning group will be awarded paid internships at UNDP Multi Country Office in Jamaica.

Reference Text for Summit

UNDP’s Regional Human Development Report – Chapter 4 – The links between Violence, Inequality and Productivity, Pages 183 – 247 . DOWNLOAD REPORT.

Express your opinions & ideas creatively. Click for details


Registration and participation are free of charge. REGISTER NOW.

Target Group

University students, sixth formers, teachers of development, persons working in and interested in development, national security, education and poverty eradication.

Behind the Youth Summit

The Youth Summit on Crime and Violence is convened by 10 youth groups leading the implementation of safety and security projects under UNDP’s Amplifying Youth Voice and Action project, and in partnership with Youth For Excellence, a regional youth group headquartered in Jamaica. The youth groups are supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Multi Country Office in Jamaica through its Amplifying Youth Voice and Action project. The event is largely shaped on the advice and guidance of youth with the support of UNDP.

Our Institutional Partners

The Youth Summit on Crime and Violence is also supported by institutional partners of the Amplifying Youth Voice and Action project, namely UNESCO Caribbean, Ministry of National Security, Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) and Rise Life Management Services Ltd. MORE ON OUR PARTNERS

Details about the Groups

Our Voice Matters. Why Youth Should Get Involved

A message from the youth organizers


The first Ready Set Great ‘youth in development event was first announced in December 2019 as part two of the Jamaica launch of UNDP’s Human Development Report and was originally scheduled for early 2020. With the advent of COVID-19, the original event, a one day conference scheduled for May 19 was cancelled and re-branded Ready Reset Recharge a webinar series focused on youth response and action in the era of COVID-19. Ready Set Great is back this year with a focus on Crime and Violence.

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